Sunday, August 7, 2011

Being Present

The past is history
The future is a mystery
Today is a gift
That is why we call it the present

How easy is it to be in the present? What does is mean to be in the present?
 We are surrounded by distractions: The chores around the house ,that enticing  television show, our work loads, the Internet blogs we get glued too. The list can go on! There is an on going cliche about the guy in front of the television or computer giving the "yes dear" response but not truly listening. I would love to say that as a women I am a great listener , and that I never tune out people in my life. 

Today I've tried to be more present. It has been harder than I thought! I noticed that tuning out my children can be natural(AHHHH)!!! I kept saying to Ky "Tell me again." And try to give my full attention and listen to what he was sharing. He told me a couple of times today that he loved me and gave me a big hug. At one time I was reading and sort-of ignoring his chatty  conversation.  I stopped and gave him eye contact and huge smile spread across his face. So often, we push our kids, spouses, acquaintances, friends, and co-workers aside because we're distracted.

I have "alright" friends.  I hate to say this, but these friends are people who I interact with but they're not my favorites. My eyes tend to glaze over when they get chatty about random things(I have done this with my good friends too, just it happens more with alrighties). I start thinking of things I need to get done and realize I missed half their story. Did I really miss the whole thing!  There is nothing wrong with them, and I do like hanging out sometimes (but it can be awkward). I'm just not as drawn to their personalities as much as others. Maybe I need to make more of an effort to get to know them or be content knowing that we can't be buddy/buddy with everyone. Either way I need to be present. Doing my best to understand others and giving my full attention. I could make a bestie out of it, so I need to try harder!

And what about the people we know we don't like? Or the people that drive us Mad!? We can choose our attitude. We can still be present and respectful. When we are kind and coming from the heart, I believe that other person is more likely to respond better. There is no guarantee, but you know you did your best.

Our answers can be more clear and present when we ask questions and are honest.
 "Is this a good time to talk?"
" You seem to be distracted, can I come at a better time?"
Or it could be the other way around with your children.
"Hey Buddy I'm busy doing so and so but right before dinner I want us to have a 15 min date on how your day was!"
Letting our loved ones or "alright friends" know our intentions up front goes a long way. And we must follow through with what we say! Also saying I love you when your totally distracts help too!
" I love you so much!, can you wait 10 min.(with a smile!)"
So this week  be present to those you encounter. :)

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