We all need a to relax even if it's just 15 minutes. Here are a few things that can help our bodies and minds relax
1. Deep Breathing It helps relax muscles, mellow your heart rate, and help to lose weight.
2. Walking
3. Stretching
4. Completely clearing your mind. I find this hard. I had a yoga instructor who focused a 10 min. portion of class just doing this. Hard but I felt totally calm and relaxed after.
5.Working on a hobby(this would be stressful for me but I know it works with others): sewing, crafting, cooking, etc...
6.Taking a warm bath or a hot shower
7. Cleaning( sing while you clean). The experts say that you you do something that's routine that helps relax you
8 Praying without distraction
9.Using Essential Oils. Using lavender is said to increases the alpha waves in the brain which triggers the brain to relax. Jasmine is used to sharpen the mind and senses. Grapefruit oil is to help with those who struggle with difficult emotions or resort to comfort eating.
10. Reading/Writing
11. Massage--Let's face it we would like this one everyday if we could!!!!
12. Listening to Nature( water, birds, thunderstorm)
13. Watching a campfire
14. Laughter. Go to a comedy play, or watch a favorite movie that makes you laugh.
15. Hugs and Cuddling
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