Sunday, May 23, 2010

Moderation...Oh My

   Am sure all of us can relate to hearing  "moderation in all things..." Applying moderation into our life's can be a challenge in certain areas. Our vices can taunt us: food, television, work, negative thoughts, gossip, not exercising, not eating right, or whatever it may be. We become wrapped up in the stresses of life and unconsciously begin to sabotage ourselves. It's like we are on auto pilot and are willingly waiting for something to go wrong. We either push the emergency button or go in for a crash landing . 

   Moderation with sweets is very hard for me. I'm a all or nothing kind of gal. If I'm totally off it, I'm good(not to say I still think about it). But if I'm around a buffet of sweets I can't just have one... or two.. or three. Give me a gym I'll work my butt off, but my sweet tooth is the true killer.So how can I be moderate!?

  I'll tell ya ,living without out it isn't going to help and is really not realistic. Cause we know what happens soon after, crash landing!! Right now I'm trying a few things. First of course is the challenge ,we have one free day for sweets . For that day I'm going to make(or buy) an unbelievable dessert, something to look forward to. Second ,I'm asking myself is this really satisfying my sweet tooth or am I just eating to eat. Third, I tell myself how great I feel when I'm eating right. Whatever our vice may be we have to remain positive. If you have any suggestions that have helped you with moderation let us know!

"There is moderation even in access. "     Benjamin Disraeli

1 comment:

  1. Going without sweets has been less challenging than I thought. As time goes on, it's getting a little harder. I've also noticed that I have to stay very aware. I've caught myself a few times almost popping something in my mouth without thinking. Wow, I was totally unconscience!
