Sunday, June 13, 2010

Creating Better Order

  At the end of the day exhaustion sets in. Only to find out when you glace around the room you have laundry piled up, dishes scattered, piles of junk mail waiting to be read, food finger prints all over the wall, and you dodge stepping on the toys  that make noises so you don't have to listen to them again! So how can we get organized while still hold down camp everyday.

   Creating order into our life takes effort. Starting small is a way we can be productive without being overwhelmed. Here are some ways that can help a little when getting started:

1.Making Lists-- This is so important , this can help a day go from disaster to smooth sailing. Make a weekly dinner and errand calendar.

2. Make your bed-- It's simple and you feel better.

3. Living Room---- Clean up the living room before going to bed each a night. Make this a family chore. Take five or ten minutes to do a sweep through the living room and put everything back where it belongs.

4.Clean up After Dinner--- We all want to sit down and relax but it really helps when this too is made into a family event and it takes pressure off you.

5. Only Touch Mail Once or Twice--- Right when you get the mail stand by a trash can so you can get rid of the junk. Then put it into two piles/files bills or other. Make a time to go through that mail.

6. Make a Homework/Learning time---Turn off the television and eliminate any other distractions. It's important to set a standard of what you expect form them. This is a great time to find out about there day and help them out.

7. Big Piles/Projects---If you have a big project schedule a time.ONLY put in enough energy and effort to achieve what really matters to you – don't waste your time or energy. Don't over organize.

8.Pick Clothes Out the Night Before---You will save time and will help keep the drama to a minimum.

Arrange your life around things that are important to your success and satisfaction. Don't fret over the small stuff. And have a way to confidently know what is small stuff and what is big stuff. Just choose one of these to work on then keep adding.

1 comment:

  1. I think I've done most of these things at some point in my life. I know list making is probably the one I've done the most.... love my lists and lists of lists. :)
