When I do write them out I don't look at them as often as I should. Most of the time I just review them in my head. But how effective am I being?... From what I've been reading I'm really losing the point. Scribbling a few needed changes is not going to be life changing. Goals need to be written out and detail oriented.
Another problem I ran into with goal setting is distinguishing between goals and dreams. As far as I'm concerned they mix. But when does that dream begin to be an active goal to pursue? And if you are going after it, is it realistic?
Plus I found out I do too many at one time( Thanks to that darn challenge!).
So what is too many? It depends on You. How much time are you willing to put forth? Will you check on your progress daily, weekly monthly? Most experts think focusing on 1-2 big goals and 3-4 smaller goals is good. But if you struggle to juggle that many just focus one at a time. Break down your one big goal into smaller goals so you can measure your success. It's important to make milestones for encouragement and keeping yourself motivated. Tell the positive people in your life what your plan is so they can hold you accountable. Make sure your
Here are some guidelines to help you write out your goals.
Your goals must be:
Conceivable: you must be able to put your goal into words;
Achievable: you must have the attributes, energy, and time to accomplish your goal;
Believable: you must believe you can reach your goal;
Achievable Within a Certain Time Frame: you must be able to state how long it will take you to reach your goal;
Clearly Defined: you must know exactly what your goal is;
Flexible: you must be willing to modify your goal as necessary;
Define both your long-term and short-term